Sr.Joan Yebras Cañellas
Mechanics Department - Academic Area
Office: Desp. professors (DT16)
Phone: +34 935039153
EUSS Address: Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià
Pg. Sant Joan Bosco, 74 - 08017 Barcelona
Telf: +34 932 805 244 - Fax: +34 932 806 642
Academic CV
Llicenciat/da en Comunicació audiovisual
(2006, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Enginyer/a Tècnic/a en Telecomunicació, especialitat Imatge i So
(1994, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Report for Collaborating lecturer
(21/04/2009, Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya)
Cap d'EUSS Solidària
Responsable Lab. de CAD
Accreditation of Tenured assistant professor ? AGENCIA PER A LA QUALITAT DEL SISTEMA UNIVERSITARI DE CATALUNYA (AQU, 2009 - current). Technical Engineer in Telecommunications Electronics, specializing in Image and Sound, URL (1993). Degree in Audiovisual Communication, UOC (2006). Master in e-learning, mention in Research (2016). Vocational Training Teacher (EPSS, 1986-1995). Teacher in secondary and high school (SIL, 2006-2009). University professor (EUSS, 1994 - current). No laboratory Graphic systems (EUSS, 1994 - present). Chief Alumni (EUSS, 2014 - current). President of Northern Spain Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco (2016 - present). Participation in volunteer projects: January 2016, October 2016 and July 2018 in Koubri (Burkina Faso). July 2019 in Yaoundé, Ebolowa and Kribi (Cameroon) and Kenitra (Morocco).
Scientific interests
Mejora del sistema educativo dentro del ámbito de la expresión gráfica y la ingeniería
Graphic Expression and E-Learning within the field of engineering.
Most significant academic merits
Book: J. Yebras, A. Genís. MicroStation 95, 2D . 1996. Publisher: EDICIONES GESTION 2000. Book: J. Yebras. MicroStation 2D . January 2002. Publisher: EDICIONES GESTION 2000. Book: J. Yebras. Expressió grà?ca en l?enginyeria. December 2018. Publisher: Editorial UOC (Oberta UOC Publishing, SL).
Award for 25 years of teaching (EUSS, 2011)