Career guidance and job placement

The school ensures professional guidance and job insertion of its students, offering a range of tools and resources to guide their personal career.


Professional guidance

A set of actions aimed at enabling students to achieve and use tools, strategies, skills and knowledge to plan and implement their professional and personal development.


Concrete actions:

Activitats d'orientació professional

A meeting place between companies from the industrial and technological sectors and professionals or future professionals, current students, who are interested in finding out about their opportunities in the world of work.

Participating companies present their projects and products and discuss the profile of the ideal qualified collaborator, taking into account studies, personal skills and competences, and possible professional experience in the field of work. They collect CVs from students and alumni and offer the possibility of job interviews.

Space of approach between experienced entrepreneurs, services and resources for entrepreneurs and students of the EUSS, which may have another job opportunity to create their own company.

The EUSS is committed to promoting entrepreneurship among its students by providing them with the necessary tools to meet this challenge with maximum guarantees. The Entrepreneurship Culture Day is part of this initiative, along with the development of a business plan in the Business course.

Job Seach Channels and How to face a job interview

These seminars are taught every year within the framework of the Professional Internship course to provide tools and resources to the students of the EUSS in the job search for it to be successful with the ultimate goal of achieving professional integration.

We talk about the whole process that takes place at the time of wanting to join the labour and professional world, from how to start the job search and the different channels available, to how to successfully face the job interview.

Individual guidance to students career competence level.

Job offers and internships

Management and dissemination of job offers and internships

  • If, as a company, you wish to advertise your vacancies, you must register in the SOIP application and enter the offer you have available.

  • If, as a student or as an alumni, you wish to access the offers that are being advertised, you must register in the SOIP application.

Contact with University-Business

Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià
Pg. St. Joan Bosco, 74
08017 Barcelona


Direct: +34 615470991
Operator: +34 932805244 Ext.: 2512
