
Commemoració 25N 2022

En motiu del Dia Internacional per a l'Eliminació de la Violència contra les dones (25N), l'EUSS ha preparat diverses accions per a la setmana del 21 al 25 de novembre de 2022.


El personal de l'EUSS ha participat en una formació per prevenir, detectar i actuar davant l’assetjament sexual, impartida per la Berta Canals, directora de la Fundació privada SORLI. 


Els Bons Dies de la primera quinzena de novembre, s'han dedicat a aquesta problemàtica, recordant l'existència del Protocol per prevenir i actuar contra l’assetjament sexual, l’assetjament per raó de sexe, orientació sexual, identitat de gènere o expressió de gènere, la violència masclista, i l'assetjament laboral, una eina que ha de servir per prevenir, detectar i resoldre els casos d’assetjament amb l’objectiu final d’erradicar aquestes conductes en l'àmbit universitari.


S'ha fet difusió del Protocol per prevenir i actuar contra l’assetjament sexual, l’assetjament per raó de sexe, orientació sexual, identitat de gènere o expressió de gènere, la violència masclista, i l'assetjament laboral, entre l'alumnat i el personal, repartint el tríptic on s'hi resumeixen els aspectes més rellevants.

'Don't consent!' campaign 2020

The EUSS Equality Commission has prepared several actions for the week of November 23-27 on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25N).


There are many forms of violence against women, but one that often goes unnoticed is harassment in the workplace or society.


Specifically, on this day we wanted to look at sexual harassment and sex harassment.


With the slogan "Don't consent!", several posters have been made with examples of situations that often enjoy social tolerance or are perceived as harmless, but which can constitute harassment. The campaign aims to raise awareness and appeal to the entire university community so that these attitudes are not tolerated, as well as to spread the Protocol to prevent and act against sexual harassment, harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, male chauvinist violence, and workplace harassment, a tool that should serve to prevent, detect and resolve cases of harassment with the ultimate goal of eradicating these behaviours in the university environment.


A space has also been installed in the corridor on the first floor where all people who are part of the EUSS can briefly write about uncomfortable, violent, intimidating, unfair, discriminatory experiences that they have suffered in their own skin or that have been lived by close women. We call for participation in this mural of situations that should make us open our eyes to the violence that all women suffer in our daily lives and that society tends to minimize or accept.


Finally, the Good Mornings of the Week will be dedicated to a widespread form of sexual harassment in today’s society, and especially among young people: cyberbullying.