Mensaje de error

Philosophy applied to the Organizations


Research description

"Philosophy must clearly determine the ends to which our conduct should be oriented", says Eugenio Trías.


The combination of a framework of conceptual rigor from the tradition of Western philosophy and a philosophy of social use, susceptible to critical use by professionals of economic, business and social organizations, to improve their productivity, results, and deontological practice and regulations as well as economic, social and ecological sustainability.


Researcher EUSS

Dr. Arash Arjomendi

Relevant publications

  • Opinion articles in regular Spanish newspapers: ABC and  El País, and the economic diary Expansión
  • Articles in the journal Claves de Razón Práctica:

          -Un humanismo de la libertad (2020)

          -Repensar la política en la era de los cisnes negros (2020)

  • Article in La revista de Occidente

          -Las causas del yihadismo en España


  • Books:

         - El principio de certidumbre (in press)

         - El Báb o la puerta a un mundo mejor (Pre-textos, 2020)

         - Gozar la vida (Pretextos, 2017)

         - Alquimia filosofal (Erasmus, 2014)

         - Razón y revelación (ElCobre, 2008)

