Our installations

EUSS is located in an old building in some of its parts, completely renovated in 2002 to house the engineering studies. Our hallmark: we have more laboratories  than classrooms.


Our installations

Our facilities are undoubtedly one of our strong points.


The building in which we are located is centenary in some of its parts, but the remodeling carried out during the 2001-2002 academic year has transformed it into a modern building, equipped with air conditioning, voice and data networks, and ample space for laboratories, classrooms and offices for both teaching staff and administration and services.


We have 11 laboratories for teaching, for the development of final projects and research, 7 classrooms and 2 specific spaces for meetings and courses for companies. In addition to the usual services of Publications, Library, study rooms, Orientation and Professional Insertion Service, Academic Management, etc.


The laboratories, as you can see by visiting them personally, are equipped with the best technical equipment necessary for the subjects taught. Work placements are carried out either individually or in groups of two students.


The classrooms are equipped with the necessary multimedia elements so that the teaching staff can teach in the way they consider most appropriate.

All this, around an arcaded courtyard symbolizing the balance between humanism and technique that the EUSS wants to transmit to its future engineers and future engineers.


From here, you can take a virtual tour of the EUSS to see our laboratories.


You can also consult the plans of our building as well as the basic rules of the evacuation plan of the building.

Other spaces of the EUSS

In addition to a large number of laboratories, the EUSS also has classrooms and different spaces for teaching such as the meeting room or the serenity space. The first one is a meeting room where the faculty and staff cloisters usually take place and it is also used for exhibitions of final degree works or others. The serenity space is a classroom for the more humanistic subjects of the degree programmes. The space is decorated so that students can draw inspiration from great thinkers.


In the EUSS there are also other facilities that make it easier for students to study, work in groups if necessary or enjoy some free time with classmates. These are spaces such as the library, the study room, the CT Ingenieros workspace or the cloister, with a bar, a table football, a ping-pong table and a bicycle and scooter parking.

Les instal·lacions en imatges